Sample Datasets

The following sample datasets will be used for the exercises. Extract the zip file to your data directory. Each layer is accompanied by metadata text information (.txt extension).




* dem_90m.tif - digital elevation model
* land_cover_1km.asc - Land cover
* vegetation_2010.asc - Vegetation derived from 2010 PalSar.
* bio8.asc - Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter, Degrees Celsius
* bio9.asc - Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter, Degrees Celsius
* bio16.asc - Precipitation of Wettest Quarter, mm
* bio17.asc - Precipitation of Coldest Quarter, mm

* iba.shp - Important Bird Areas from Philippine Biodiversity Conservation 
  Priority-setting Program
* admin_bnd.shp - municipal administrative boundaries 
* waterways.shp - waterways from OpenStreetMap
* roads.shp - roads from OpenStreetMap
* places.shp - place points from OpenstreetMap
* pois.shp - points of interest from OpenStreetMap
* soil.shp - soil class from the Harmonized World Soil Database

Species occurence samples
* black_shama.csv - Black Shama (Copsychus cebuensis) occurrence records from 
  FFI field surveys

* population.txt - Municipal population based on the 
  National Statistics Office Census of 2010

Projection - Geographic projection, WGS84 datum (EPSG:4326). 
License - See individual metadata text file of each data.

Data Disclaimer

The authors have not confirmed the absolute accuracy of all the spatial data contained herein. Users of this data should therefore use or confirm the data at their own risk. Data is provided on an “as is” basis.

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