.. draft (mark as complete when complete) ======================================= Using QGIS to view your model output ======================================= You can improve the map design of your MaxEnt output in QGIS. Load you model output ------------------------ 1. To load your MaxEnt output map, select :menuselection:`Layer -->` |mActionAddRasterLayer| :guilabel:`Add Raster Layer`. 2. Click `Browse` and double-click to your directory. Select ``Copsychus_cebuensis.asc``. Click :guilabel:`OK`. .. image:: images/maxent_raster_output.png :align: center :width: 300 pt Similar to the previous section, perform the display contrast enhancement. But this time, select the `Pseudocolor` as the :guilabel:`Color map`. .. image:: images/maxent_raster_pseudocolor.png :align: center :width: 300 pt 3. Select the :guilabel:`Transparency` tab and adjust the :guilabel:`Global transparency` slider to ``30%``. Click :guilabel:`Apply` then, :guilabel:`OK`. .. image:: images/maxent_output_enhancedcolor.png :align: center :width: 300 pt Provide context by adding more data layers ---------------------------------------------- 1. Add more geographical context in your map by adding the vector layers available in your ``vector`` directory. To add vector layers, select :menuselection:`Layer -->` |mActionAddOgrLayer| :guilabel:`Add Vector Layer` 2. To change the vector layer properties like color and symbolization. .. image:: images/maxent_vectorsmap.png :align: center :width: 400 pt